A {Sending You Smiles} Card...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Good morning!  Can you believe I managed to make a card and get it posted before noon?  Well, after sleeping in and taking it easy yesterday, I woke up bright and earlier today.  The kids have been so good playing by themselves (actually I can hear them arguing right now, but they are leaving me out of it).

Anyway, I made this card using today's sketch challenge from SCS.  I've been using my glue gun quite a bit lately and finally made one of these flowers for a card.  It's just some twill tape twisted and glued into place.  It's so easy.  
Another thing I've been loving is coloring clear rhinestones with copic markers.  Really, I don't think I'll need to buy colored rhinestones again as long as I have a copic marker that can do the trick.  These rhinestones were colored using a yellow/orange copic marker.  So easy and they dry so quickly.  

Thanks so much for stopping by today!!!

{Sending You Smiles}
Stamps: Icon Extras (Clear & Simple Stamps)
Card Stock: Kraft Like a Rockstar (CSS)
Patterned Paper: Hattie (My Mind's Eye)
Ink: Your Style Blue Me Away (CSS)
Accessories: Natural Twill Tape (SU), Glue Gun, Stamping Sponge, Foam Dimensionals, Edge Distresser, Clear Gems, Yellow Copic Marker

A {Feel Better Soon} Card...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Hey there!  The kids are on spring break this week so it hasn't been my usual Monday.  Anyway, I made this card using some scraps I've already accumulated from Gertie by My Mind's Eye.  The floss is just glued on the front and taped around the back.  
This is such a simple card, but I love the quilted feel.  I would love to receive a card like this if I was feeling under the weather. 

Have a great day!

{Feel Better Soon}
Stamps: Spring (Clear & Simple Stamps)
Card Stock: Perfect Little Black Dress, Kraft Like a Rockstar (CSS)
Patterned Paper: Gertie (My Mind's Eye)
Ink: Perfect Little Black Dress (CSS)
Accessories: Embroidery Floss (DMC), Circle Punch, Edge Distresser, Foam Dimensionals

Papertrey Ink: March 2011 Blog Hop

Friday, March 25, 2011

Hello!  Here's my card for this month's Papertrey Ink Blog Hop.  I'm so glad that they now have their blog hops all day long.  I always forget about it until it's too late.  This way I was able to make a card the day of and play along.  This month's challenge was to use embroidery floss on your card in a new way.  I use embroidery floss all the time on my cards, but I wanted to do something different.  This idea actually came to me while I was running on treadmill this afternoon (4 miles, go me!).  

I pulled the colors for the thread and ink from the patterned paper.  To create the "stars" I punched circles in three different sizes.  I used a pencil to first draw a "t" and then an "x" across the circles.  I laid them out on my card and used a paper piercer to pierce the center of the circle and then just outside the lines I created with the pencils.  I removed the circle templates and threaded the floss.  Easy peasy!
I added clear gems for a little added sparkle.  

Thanks so much for stopping by!  I can's wait to start hopping and see everyone's creations with floss. Have a great weekend!!!

Have a great day!

{Girly, You Rock}
Stamps: Signature Greetings (Papertrey Ink)
Card Stock: Kraft (Papertrey Ink)
Patterned Paper: Gertie (My Mind's Eye)
Ink: Green With Envy (CSS)
Accessories: Stamping Sponge, Embroidery Floss, Foam Dimensionals, Clear Rhinestones, Paper Piercer 

A {Girly} Card...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hey guys!  Before I get to today's card, I wanted to thank you all for the lovely comments I received about running my first 5K.  You all are such a big part of my life and I was so happy to share that with you.  I am overjoyed to have inspired some of you.
Okay, so here's today's card.  Sweet and simple.  I love these types of frame cards, but wanted to see if I could make one using patterned paper.  I think it turned out pretty cute, you just need to pick paper that has a subtle design and a marker that will stand out.

Well, that's all for me today.  Not much going on, in comparison to the rest of my week.

Have a great day!

{Girly, You Rock!}
Stamps: Signature Greetings (Papertrey Ink)
Card Stock: Kraft (PTI)
Patterned Paper: Gertie (My Mind's Eye)
Ink: Perfect Little Black Dress (CSS)
Accessories: Butterfly Punch (Martha Stewart), Black Rhinestones (KaiserCraft), Black Fine Tip Marker (Sharpie), Ruler

My journey to running a 5K...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Hey guys!  As some of you know, I ran an official 5K run over the weekend.  Now, I usually don't share too much personal stuff here, but I really want to share this experience with you and also have a record for myself.

I started training on January 11th of this year.  It wasn't a New Year's Resolution or some diet/exercise plan.  I simply started because one of the mom's (Jen) at the kid's school invited me to join her and a couple of her friends at the track on Sunday mornings.  They were training for a half marathon.  I told Jen I would just walk while they ran.  The first time I had so much fun chatting with the girls when they were warming up that I wanted to start running so I could join in on the fun.  

So, I started the program "Couch to 5K".  It's a program that promises you can go from couch potato to running a 5K in 9 weeks.  The program is really awesome.  The first two weeks were pretty easy and then it got harder, but I love a challenge.  I purchased the program on the ipod touch for $1.99.  It tells you when to run and when to walk.  It also posts to Facebook and Twitter when you finish a workout.  I would always post my workouts hoping that people would ask me about it and they really did ask me about it.  Everyone I talked to were so supportive and encouraging.  There were also a lot of people that said that they've always wished they could run.  I was one of those people once, I thought I couldn't physically do it because I would always run out of breath.  If I can do, anyone can do it. 

Then the question, "what 5K are you going to run?" kept coming up.  I hadn't really planned on running one, I just wanted to be able to run on my own.  So, my husband persuaded me to run the Heart Mini Marathon 5K.  

So, the program was 9 weeks long and I was able to run 3.5 miles without stopping or walking when it was over.  It was a slow 3.5 miles, but 3.5 miles nonetheless.  So, I ran that a few times and signed up for the 5K.  I was running 3.5 miles at a time so 3.1 should be a piece of cake, right?

So the 5K was yesterday morning and it was dreary and rainy.  The race started in downtown Cincinnati and headed east along Columbia Parkway for 1.55 miles, you turned around and then ran 1.55 miles back.  Downtown was packed.  There were several races going on, lots of vendor booths, people taking photos, and companies handing out free stuff.  Scott and I made our way to the start line where I stretched out, hooked up my headphones, started "Pump It" by The Black Eyed Peas.  I was ready.  Scott didn't wear headphones, didn't stretch out, didn't have an energy drink (I did), a 5K was child's play for him and he was just there for moral support.  

The gun went off and I was so happy to be a part of it.  It was pretty chaotic in the beginning.  There were people that were walking (right at the start???), people with strollers, groups of people that wanted to stick together, all kinds of people at all kinds of speeds.  I did not train to bob and weave between people.  But, I started off strong (now looking back, I think a little too strong).  I knew that the course was hilly, but I thought it would be one not so steep hill.  It turned out to be three hills that were not so steep, but loooong and then you turned around and did those three hills again.  Needless to say, I thought I was going to die at the halfway point.  I'm so thankful for Scott and his motivating words that didn't let me walk (or curl into the fetal position right then and there).  Seriously love that man.  

I thought the finish line would never appear, but when I crossed it I didn't know weather to cry, to cheer, or curl up in a ball.  I just wanted to get my medal and get out of there.  Finally today it's sinking in.  I did it!  

    Scott & I standing in front of a giant inflatable heart.  No make-up and sweaty!

I've learned a lot about myself during this whole process.  I can do anything I set my mind to.  All things are possible with hard work and a positive attitude.  I'm showing my kids how important it is to exercise and eat right.  We are leading by example.  I'm going to continue running and will keep running 5K's and 10K's.  I have gained a wonderful friend and our kid's are also friends, so it's perfect.  I haven't really lost much weight, which is a bit disappointing.  However I have traded fat for muscle and I am a whole lot less flabby.  I have more energy and confidence.  

Thanks for letting me share my journey with you.  Have a great day!

A {Happy Day} Card...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Hello, hello, hello!!!  I'm sharing a card with you that's been days in the making.  This is the very first card I'm sharing using copic markers.  I was finally able to color an image that actually turned out pretty good, and it was so much fun!

Notice anything different about my photo?  I've been noticing lately that my cards are looking dark and out of focus, even the one I took outside in the last post.  Well, I think I've played with the settings a little too much. It was difficult to tell what the setting originally were.  So, I reset my camera back to the factory settings.  Viola, look at today's photos!!!  I only had to crop them.

Anyway, I'm having a great day.  I've had most of the day to myself, I went for a short/hard run this morning.  I had an eye doctor appointment, which wasn't fun but I'm excited about picking out some new glasses that I'll wear as needed.  I got to make a super cute card while watching "The Last Song" on my ipad.  Speaking of ipad, I am officially hooked.  I have the older edition, but I still love it.  The weather here has been gorgeous, high 60's.  I sat out on our deck this morning with a cup of coffee and Scrabble on my ipad.  Perfection.  

We are hanging out with friends tomorrow and Scott and I are running in the Heart Mini Marathon 5K on Sunday.  Scott says my running is more like jogging!  Oh well, I get where I need to go.

Enough about me, I hope you all are having a great day and will have a wonderful weekend.

Have a great day!

{Hope Your Day is Happy}
StampsFriends 'til the End (Papertrey Ink), Topiaries (Clear & Simple Stamps)
Card Stock: SS White (PTI)
Ink: Perfect Little Black Dress (CSS)
Accessories: Foam Dimensionals, R81/R83/R85 Copic Markers, Twill Ribbon (PTI)

A Computer {Thank You} Card...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hey guys!  I am so lucky to be typing this on my laptop.  My laptop has been broke for what feels like an eternity, but it's only been about two weeks.  Anyway, one of my husband's co-workers was able to remove all my files and take my computer back to the factory settings.  I am so grateful to have my computer back, you have no idea.

So, that's where this card comes into play.  I made this card for the guy who fixed my computer and it will be delivered with a bunch of girl scout cookies.  This card was 100% made using the Silhouette.  This is kind of a boring color scheme, but that's usually the colors of computers (and I wanted to use a blue screen because that's what my computer looked like when it broke, AKA Blue Screen of Death).  The original image had the word "geek" printed on it, I didn't think he'd really appreciate that too much.  I typed "Thank You" and chose a font that reminded me of what you might see on a start-up screen.  

I think it turned out pretty nice.  I can see him leaving this on his desk for a while, reminding him what a great guy he is.  

Have a great day!

{Thank You Computer Card}
Card Stock: You're Such a Gray-cious Host, Perfect Little Black Dress, My Favorite Blue Jeans (CSS)
Accessories: Digitally Cut Images (Silhouette)

Group Challenge: Stylish Gift Cards

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hey there!  It's a super fun day around the blog-o-sphere today.  The gals from Clear & Simple Stamps are at it again with another fun group challenge.  This month we are using the stamp set Just My Style to make some stylish gift card holders.   

When I finally came up with the concept for my card, I ran with it.  I had so much fun cutting out and arranging those purses.
I pulled all the papers I used from the same collection so it would be easy to coordinate the purses.  Look at all that dimension.  I intentionally left off the sentiment so it can be used for any occasion, plus there wasn't mush room for one.
And this is the inside of the card.  I stamped the hanger image in red and then "tied" the gift card to the hanger.  
Kohl's is where I usually buy my purses, so I thought that was very appropriate for this card.  

We have a lot more stylish gift card holders to show you if you just click on the following DT member's sites.  

Hope you enjoyed today's group challenge.  Have a great day!

{Stylish Gift Card Holder}
Stamps: Just My Style (Clear & Simple Stamps)
Card Stock: Kraft Like a Rockstar, Dare to be a Diva Red
Patterned Paper: Be-Loved (My Mind's Eye)
Ink: Perfect Little Black Dress, Dare to be a Diva Red 
Accessories: Foam Dimensionals, Floss, Stamping Sponge

A {Happy Birthday Jacob} Card...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hello!  I'm starting to wonder if I'm ever going to recover from this whirlwind weekend.  I think I could crawl into my bed and sleep until tomorrow.  So, as some of you know I attended CKC in Louisville on Friday.  Unfortunately I didn't get to see much outside of the Clear & Simple Stamps classroom, but I still had a great time and learned a lot about copic markers.  Nicki and Reenee were so nice and I learned a lot about the company.  Would you believe I didn't take any pictures?  I could kick myself.  We were just so busy it just didn't occur to me.  Hopefully the CKC in Cincinnati will be a little less crazy.
So, once I returned from CKC I was itching to use my Silhouette.  I made this card for my dear friend's son who just turned one.  The number one, the letters spelling Jacob and the rectangle around it were all cut from the Silhouette.
I really love the argyle paper for a little boys card.  This card uses four different pieces of patterned paper, all from the Hattie collection from My Mind's Eye.  There's a lot of dimension to this little card that you can see in the above photo.

Thanks for stopping by today.  Have a great day!

{Happy Birthday Jacob}
Stamps: Icons Extra (Clear & Simple Stamps)
Card Stock: Kraft Like a Rockstar (CSS)
Patterned Paper: Hattie (My Mind's Eye)
Ink: Your Style Blue Me Away (CSS)
Accessories: Foam Dimensionals, Circle Punch, Stamping Sponge, Digitally Cut Images (Silhouette)

A {Purses are like good friends...} Card...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Hey guys!  I'm so happy to share this card with you.  These purses from Just My Style by Clear & Simple Stamps are just perfect for paper piecing.  These six purses are one stamp, but you can also cut them apart and stamp them separately.   

I wanted to create a scene where the purses looked like they were sitting on a shelf.  So fun!  And like the sentiment say, you can never have too many.  
Once the purses were paper pieced I took a fine-tip sharpie marker and filled in a few details on the purses like the straps and stripes and buckles.  

Today's a very big day for me.  It's my very last day of the running program (Couch to 5K) that I've been doing for three months.  I can now run a 5K and have done so on my own a couple times already.  So proud of myself.  I'm also going to a lunch comedy show with a group of girls.  Sure to be a good time.  And then I'm driving to Louisville for the CK Convention and to meet the ladies (Nicki & Reenee) behind Clear & Simple Stamps.  So excited!  I can't wait!  I hope it stops raining for the two hour commute.  I hope to share some pictures soon (not of me running, just the CK Convention part!).  

Have a great day!

{Friends are like purses...}
Stamps: Just My Style (Clear & Simple Stamps)
Card Stock: Kraft Like a Rockstar, Espresso Your Style
Patterned Paper: Hippy Girl (KaiserCraft)
Ink: Perfect Little Black Dress, VIP Purple
Accessories: Corner Rounder Punch, Foam Dimensionals, Black Sharpie Marker, Purple Rhinestones (KaiserCraft)

A {Dude, You Rock} Card...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

This past weekend we celebrated my brother's birthday.  I didn't make a card specifically for him, I just assumed I'd have an appropriate card in my stash.  Well, I quickly discovered that I don't have any cards for guys.  I ended up giving my brother a card that had hearts on it, HEARTS!  I wasn't there when he opened it, so I don't know if the hearts bothered him at all.  Hopefully the cash that was inside distracted him.  

So, today I made a card any guy would be happy to receive.  No flowers, no bows, no ruffles, no frills.  Plaid and flannel are really popular right now so when I saw the plaid patterned paper, I knew it would be perfect.
I added black enamel accents where the blue stripes intersect.  I really like the added interest, plus I added them to the sentiment panel and well.  I used a SU Mat Pack so I would have perfect spacing.  I distressed the edges of the kraft layer to give the card a little bit of a rustic feel.  My stash would be in good shape if I made about 15 more of these!

Thanks for taking the time to drop today.  Have a great day!

{Dude, You Rock}
Stamps: Signature Greetings (Papertrey Ink)
Card Stock: Kraft, Spring Moss (Papertrey Ink)
Patterned Paper: Marjolaine (Basic Grey)
Ink: Brown Leather Satchel (CSS)
Accessories: Black Enamel Accents (Ranger), Corner Rounder Punch, Foam Dimensionals, Edge Distresser

A {With Sympathy} Card...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hello!  I peeked at today's sketch challenge at SCS right before I went down to my studio.  If you know me, I rarely use diagonal anything on my cards.  Elements can be a little off-kilter, but not diagonal.  However, this sketch was so simple and basic looking that I just had to give it a try.

Well, I think there's probably a pretty good reason I don't like diagonals.  I can't make a card I like with them.  I love the papers and elements of this card. In fact, I can think of three different layouts that would make this card so much better.  But, everything is glued down already, oh well.  It's still okay looking, just not great.
One thing I absolutely do love is that doily!  It was digitally cut using my Silhouette machine.  I've been seeing doilies everywhere lately and thought I would jump on the band wagon.  I love seeing the Silhouette in action. I actually tried to make a video for you all to see, but my phone completely shut down right in the middle. I guess that was not meant to be.  Soon though!  

A little tip, I cut out a bunch of doilies using white paper.  Now I can just sponge them any color I want when I'm ready to use them.  That's what I did with the doily on my card today.  It used white card stock and I sponged it with blue ink.

Thanks so much for stopping by today! 

{With Sympathy}
Stamps: Communique Sentiments (Papertrey Ink) 
Card Stock: Kraft Like a Rockstar, On the Catwalk Cream (CSS), Enchanted Evening (Papertrey Ink)
Patterned Paper: Hattie (My Mind's Eye)
Ink: Prussian Blue (Colorbox), Trendsetter Blue (CSS)
Accessories: Doily Digitatally Cut Image (Silhouette), Pearls (KaiserCraft), Edge Distresser

Surprise Birthday Blog Hop!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Good Morning!  Today we are surprising Reenee, one of the fearless leaders behind Clear & Simple Stamps.  She is going to be so surprised!  If you have made your way here from Sarah Martina's blog, then you are in the right place.   If you are visiting with me first then you will want to start this special birthday blog hop from the beginning at Clear and Simple Stamps.

I am so fortunate to be meeting Reenee and Nikki in person on Friday.  They will be in Louisville which is only about a two hour drive for me.  We'll all meet at the CK Scrapbook Convention.  I've never been to one so I am super excited.  I'll also be learning a thing or two about using copic markers.  Anyone else attending?
I was so lucky to have some new paper pads delivered right before I started making this card.  I pulled out a few sheets I liked the best and created this card.  My son was quick to point out that I did not make three-in-a-row in my tic-tac-toe.  For the hearts I used a much neglected set "Love Notes".  I am in love with the hounds-tooth heart stamp, simply awesome.  Can't wait to use this set again.
There are many layers to this card.  I love mixing and matching patterned papers and I love the green accent.  This was my first time using baker's twine.  I've been looking for it in stores for a while and they either didn't have it or it was out of stock. I finally broke down and bought some online.  I knew I would love it. 

We can't have a blog hop without a fabulous prize- a surprise package of CSS goodies. In order to qualify for the prize, participants must leave a birthday wish for Reenee on our Facebook and/or Clear and Simple Stamps birthday blog post.  CSS will pick {2} winners - one winner from FB and one winner from the CSS Blog. And for fun - CSS will gift everyone a 15% off coupon good for that day only when shopping at CSS. You will just need to enter birthday15 in order to receive the discount. This coupon will not be valid with other offers and is good for one day only.

Now on to your next stop at Beth Matson's blog.  Here's a list of all the participants just in case you get off track.

Thanks so much for sharing in Reenee's birthday fun!!!  Have a great day!

{Birthday Wishes}
Stamps: Love Notes, Icons Extra (Clear & Simple Stamps)
Card Stock: Kraft Like a Rockstar, On the Catwalk Cream, I'm a Princess Pink
Patterned Paper: Gertie (My Mind's Eye)
Ink: Green with Envy, Dare to be a Diva Red
Accessories: Baker's Twine (Jillibean Soup), Foam Dimensionals, Corner Rounder Punch, Heart Punch (Paper Shapers), Stamping Sponge

A {Happy Birthday} Card...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hey Friends!  Hope you all had a great weekend.  Today starts a super busy week for me.  I hope I can juggle everything.

I wanted to make a CAS card using an interesting color combo.  I created a strip of stars using Kraft Like a Rockstar card stock, Brown Leather Satchel ink, and the star stamp from Icons I.  I matted the strip with A Clean Slate and I'm a Princess Pink card stock.  My ribbon was a little too wide for this card, so I simply folded it in half before I tied the bow.

The sentiment is stamped in Dare to be a Diva Red, although it looks brown in the photo.  I wanted the sentiment to match the rhinestones.

Have a great day!

{Happy Birthday}
StampsIcons IIcons Extra (Clear & Simple Stamps)
Card Stock: Kraft Like a Rockstar, A Clean Slate, I'm a Princess Pink (CSS)
Ink: Brown Leather Satchel, Dare to be a Diva Red (CSS)
Accessories: Red Rhinestones (Kaiser Craft), Edge Distresser, Light Pink Sheer Ribbon (Offray)

A {You Make Me Smile} Card...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Hey guys!  I'm still blogging away on this tiny lap top.  I hope my photos don't look too wonky, the photos are so small when I'm editing them.  Anywho, sometimes I don't have a lot to say and other days I'm thinking about everything I want to say while I'm making my card.  Well, here's one of those things.  When you have cards published in magazines they will send you the issue that features your card along with some goodies.  Yesterday I received a copy of the November CARDS Magazine that I had a card published in, along with some scrappy goodness that included the brads I used on today's card.  They are gorgeous!  I decided that I didn't want to hoard them, but to put a whole bunch on a card to make it super special.  I really like how it turned out.  I thought the brads would be the perfect center for the sun shape from the SPRING stamp set from Clear & Simple Stamps.
Whenever I'm making a card and am having trouble coming up with a layout I often fall back on this grid style card I used for today's card.  I just love how easy it is to make, yet it looks like it would have taken a lot of time.  

I ordered some ink from Clear & Simple Stamps a little while ago and have opened and used all the colors except for one.  This morning I opened up a color called Brown Leather Satchel and I have to tell you, if you are looking for ink that perfectly coordinates with your kraft card stock, this is your color.  I wish I would have discovered that earlier.  I know this is going to be one of my go-to colors.

Okay, I think that's enough chatting from me today.  I'm expecting some new 6 x 6 packs of paper to be delivered over the weekend.  I can't wait to play with some new goodies.  My supplies have been feeling a little stale lately.  Hopefully some new stuff will breathe a little life back into my studio. 

Take care and have a great weekend!!!  

{You Make Me Smile}
Stamps: Spring (Clear & Simple Stamps)
Card Stock: Kraft Like a Rockstar, On the Catwalk Cream (CSS)
Ink: Brown Leather Satchel, Creamsicle Cardigan, Espresso Your Style (CSS)
Accessories: Jocelyn Designer Brads (SEI), Stamping Sponge, Foam Dimensionals

A {Birthday Wishes} Card...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hey guys!  I've been having some computer issues this week.  I turned on my laptop yesterday morning and it went straight to an error page and wouldn't boot up.  Until that gets fixed I'm using my husband's net book.  It's really small and I really don't like it.  I miss all my programs and shortcuts I have on my computer.  So, I made this card today and had to download photo editing software so I could crop it and adjust the lighting.  Hopefully my computer will get fixed tonight if all goes right.

So, here is my card.  I'm combining two SCS challenges.  The first one is the "Ways to Use It" challenge where they wanted you to use polka dots on your card, I think mine has more than enough.  The other one is a "sketch challenge".  The layout is pretty unique that I just had to give it a try.  
Here's another view so you can see all the dimension.  

Thanks so much for stopping by today for a visit!  Have a great day!

{Birthday Wishes}
Stamps: Icon Extras (Clear & Simple Stamps)
Card Stock: Kraft Like a Rockstar, On the Catwalk Cream (CSS)
Patterned Paper: Love Me Do (My Mind's Eye)
Ink: Dare to be a Diva Red, Simply Blue-tiful (CSS)
Accessories: Heart Punches (Paper Shapers), Stamping Sponge, Blue Rhinestones (Kaiser Craft) 

Clear & Simple Stamps - March 2011 Release

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy March!  You know what that means, a new stamp set released from Clear & Simple Stamps!  The set is called Just My Style and it is so playful and trendy.  Here's a look:
There's even dies for this set!  
I had so much fun getting to know this set.  My favorite part was creating different colored shoes and patterns for the purses.  You'll see some more of that later in the month.  Fun, fun!
Here's just one of the cards I've made with this set.  I had to use some Dare to Be a Diva Red card stock.  I stamped the stack of boxes on some Kraft Like a Rockstar card stock and then stamped the word "diva" on a few of the boxes.  The shoe was stamped on red and then cut out.  The whole panel is attached with foam dimesionals.
 I love the little added detail of the gem on the shoe.
Here's a look at the sentiment.  It's curved which is a little hard to see in the other photos.  I just love the overall classy-ness look of this card.  

You are gonna love this set.  I'm not really a girlie-girl, but I loved making cards for my girlie friends and it's so much fun to paper piece those purses and shoes.  Totally fab!

Have a great day!

{You're Just My Style}
Stamps: Just My Style (Clear & Simple Stamps)
Card Stock: Kraft Like a Rockstar, Dare to Be a Diva Red, Perfect Little Black Dress 
Ink: Perfect Little Black Dress
Accessories: Cork Sheet, Clear Gems, Foam Dimensionals, Corner Rounder Punch

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