BlogHer Life Well Lived: Getting Happy
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

This is going to be my strategy to survive this holiday season. Get things done early! I'm going to write down all of the upcoming events with a sub-list of things that need to be done or bought to make that event successful. I don't want to be running to the store the night before because I forgot something.
I addition to this I also have a spreadsheet of gifts to buy. This also includes a budget, what I plan to buy and what I've already bought. This includes gifts for neighbors, teachers, coaches, etc. Last year I did something crazy and decided that I wasn't going to give anyone a gift card. I'm going to try my best to do that again this year. I think people really like opening gifts rather than a gift card.
I went grocery shopping this morning and really stocked up on pantry staples. We don't live super close to a grocery store and it's really a waste of time to run to the store to get one thing, but I do it all the time. This is just an example of utilizing time and so you don't waste it later.
The reason I'm getting things done early is so that I'm not rushing around like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to get everything done in time. I'm also going to be doing some online shopping to save gas and aggravation of crowds.
When you have everything under control, you are not worrying about what's coming next. You can enjoy the moment and be present with your family and friends, and that's really such a great present to yourself.
Have a great day!
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