Blogher Book Review...
Thursday, October 6, 2011

It's about a woman named Shoko who was raised in Japan, marries and American when Japan was occupied by American soldiers and they move to the United States. The book takes place in the present day but frequently flashes back to Shoko in Japan with her family and how she came to the present situation.
This book plays off of an actual reference book called How to Be an American Housewife, written in Japanese and English, and is quoted at the end of every chapter. The purpose of the book was to help Japanese women transition to the American way of life and how to keep their husbands happy. It was so interesting to me to get a peek into a world that I never even would have given a second thought to. It was really a great book and I would urge you all to read it. Already read it? Join the conversation here!
Have a great day!
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